
One Name On Facebook Without Vpn

How to make single name on facebook account

Facebook is a place where we share every twenty-four hours to twenty-four hour period incident with our friends, family in conversation, or status updates. It is the biggest social media platform with millions of daily users for the sole reason because it has thousands of features that brand Facebook an amazing awarding.

Then Developers go along trying to observe bugs to make Facebook tricks and funny pranks. We have already posted a few fantastic tricks similar invite all friends to the Facebook page and many more than.

But some of them are but spam which may lead to compromise your account. Thus, nosotros always advise each user attempt tricks that are only provided by pop blogs. Always attempt them on a testing business relationship first then on your original ID.

At present here we are going share a fantastic trick to make a single proper noun on a Facebook account. Every bit per rule, it is not possible to create an account on Facebook without a Final proper noun. But if you lot desire to make your Facebook contour with the Showtime name without using the last name, then follow my given steps.

How To Brand Single Name On Facebook Account?

To make this article more unproblematic, we have divided this article into ii parts and so that it tin can become piece of cake to sympathize. In the first part, we volition change our proxy settings for the browser(PC) and mobile too. While in the 2d part, nosotros make Facebook a single name business relationship. So follow both parts step by stride carefully

Part 1:- Change Proxy Settings To Make Single Name Business relationship.

For PC Users.

Step ane.   Firstly, you lot have to install the Hola VPN extension. This extension will help you in changing the proxy settings of your browser quickly. Y'all can install the extension for the Chrome browser from the link given below. You tin likewise add it to the Firefox browser by going in the add ons.


Step 2. After the extension terminate installing, you take to turn on the extension. Then, search from the listing of countries. And change information technology to Indonesia.

Hola VPN Extension Country Selection

Step 3. In one case the country is changed, the proxy settings of your browser will be adapted automatically.

You lot can also alter the proxy settings of the browser manually. But that is a complex task to do. Because of this, we recommend you to follow this way equally information technology is much more comfy.

For Mobile Users.

In case if y'all are using a mobile, and then yous should follow the post-obit steps to change the proxy settings.

Pace 1. Before all, you have to install Hola VPN on your android device. You will find it quickly, and it is available for gratis. But still, y'all tin Download Hola VPN.

Hola VPN

Pace two. After the application is installed, open the app. Then, alter the country from the tiptop-right corner of your mobile screen.

Mobile Hola VPN

Hola VPN Country Selection

Pace 3. Once the country is changed successfully, and then you have to select the Facebook application. In case, y'all are not using the official app. And so, you lot can cull the browser in which you are going to open your Facebook. Later on selecting, the proxy settings volition be applied.

Hola VPN App Selection

Now that the proxy settings accept been changed. Nosotros should movement forward to the second part where you volition make a single name Facebook account.

Office ii:- Settings To Make Single Facebook Business relationship.

  • After doing proxy settings manually or past using the Hola VPN, make sure it is working fine on Facebook.
  • Now information technology'due south time to create a single name account.
  • Firstly, brand sure you lot logged in to your Facebook account. Then, open the "Business relationship Settings"of your profile.

Facebook Settings

  • Later it, go to the "Language Settings." Then, edit and change the language Tamil (தமிழ்).

Language Change Option

  • One time the language of your account is changed, now, yous have to go to the "General Settings" of your Facebook account.

Facebook General Settings

  • There yous take to edit your Profile Name. For that, click on the button in front of your proper name.

Profile Name Edit

  • Then, a dialog box volition appear to edit your name. Here, you have to remove the final name from it. And, after reviewing it, click on the blue button every bit shown in the picture.

Make Single Name Facebook Account

Now, your Facebook contour name volition be inverse. And, it volition be just your get-go proper name which volition exist shown equally your Profile name. Afterward that, you lot have to change the language settings dorsum to English. You will see in your profile that your Facebook account name comprises of just a single name, not ii.

Note:- Brand Certain that You lot oasis't already changed your account proper name in terminal sixty days or otherwise you volition not exist able to make single proper name until you crossed sixty days time menses. If y'all crossed name change limit then it is not possible attempt it on another account.

We think in that location is no need for any Proof because our Tricks is working since Aug 2012 and our 2M+ users successfully made a single name Facebook account through our blog 🙂
If you lot face up whatever problem regarding this trick and then feel gratuitous to share your comment, we will be glad to assist you.


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