
Find My Shows No Location Found

How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Found

Apple tree iPhone is one of the most advanced smartphones available in the recent marketplace. Users go to experience a lot of cutting-edge features based on the iOS operating system. And i of them is the Notice My iPhone characteristic that helps iPhone users find their iPhone if it gets lost or forgotten somewhere. In this article, we will look at the discover my no location found iPhone issue and how you can make Find My iPhone no location found. Go on reading the article till the finish to learn everything in detail.

How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Found

How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Plant

If you want to hibernate or freeze your location from the Find My app to hibernate information technology from your friends, you can go far say no location plant iPhone on their phone. This message will pop upward on your friends' iPhones after they take tried to locate your device from the aforementioned app. You will detect the steps to do and then later in this article. But firstly, permit u.s. know other reasons for Find My iPhone no location found error to occur on an iPhone device.

Why Does Discover My iPhone Say No Location Found Online?

At that place can be multiple reasons behind your iPhone saying no location found online. Some of these reasons are as follows:

  • You are not continued to the iCloud on your iPhone.
  • You are not connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data.
  • Your network connection is weak.
  • People who shared their location with you take unshared information technology now.
  • Your Detect My iPhone service is disabled.

Does No Location Found Hateful They Turned Off Their Location?

Yes. If you check the location of your family members or friends continued to your iCloud and it says no location found, there can be multiple reasons behind it. One of them can be that they accept now turned off their location. Simply the following are some of the most common reasons behind this issue:

  • Your friend or your family members have stopped sharing their location with y'all.
  • Your device location setting is off.
  • Your friend or family members are in a land where the Detect My service is not available.
  • The catamenia of sharing a live location may exist over. Allow's say your friend has shared their location with you for i hour, but you lot will meet no location found later on one hour.

How Tin can Yous Tell if Someone Unshared Your Location?

In that location are two ways through which you can do this. Follow any of the following methods to know no location found iPhone:

Option I: Through Settings

Follow the upcoming steps in the iPhone Settings app to ensure that someone has unshared your location.

i. Open up the Settings app on your iPhone.

Open Settings on your iPhone

2. From the pinnacle of the screen, tap on the Apple ID.

At the top of the screen, tap on the Apple ID

iii. Tap on the Notice My choice, as shown.

Tap on the Find My option

4. You lot will run across the shared list of people with your business relationship.

There you will see the list of people with whom your account is shared | no location found iPhone

If you don't find whatsoever of your family members' names or your friends y'all have shared your location, that person has unshared your location.

Option II: Through Discover My App

You can also confirm if someone has unshared your location from the Observe My app on your iPhone device.

ane. Open up the Notice My app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on the People icon.

Tap on the People icon

3. Here, you will detect all the people with whom your location is shared.

Also Read: How to Check Someone'due south Location on iPhone

What Does it Hateful When it Says Location Not Bachelor on iPhone?

If it says that location is not bachelor on your iPhone for any of your other devices, at that place can be the following reasons behind this no location establish iPhone:

  • The person who operates that device has unshared your location from that device.
  • That device is in a country where Apple's Notice My location service is not supported.
  • That device has turned its location service off, and information technology has been powered off.
  • The device might not be connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi or mobile data.

How Do I Hide My Location?

If you want to hide your location without others knowing near it, you lot can follow the below-given steps to make no location found iPhone:

Annotation: Doing this will remove the location access for all of your apps, and they might not work as usual.

1. Launch Settings on your iPhone.

2. Tap on Privacy.

Tap on Privacy | How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Found

three. And then, tap on Location Services, as depicted.

tap on Location Services

iv. Plow off the toggle for the choice Location Services.

Turn off the toggle for the option Location Services

Also Read: 5 Best IP Address Hider App for Android

How Do Y'all Brand Your Location Unavailable Without Turning it Off?

If yous desire to make the location unavailable for a particular app without turning the location service off, you can practise this past just turning the location off for that particular awarding.

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on Privacy > Location Services.

3. Locate the desired application you want to brand the location service off.

Look for the application you want to make the location service off. Here, Amazon is taken as an example

four. Tap on the Never selection to disable location access, as shown.

Select the Never option to disable the location access | How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Found

How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Found? How do I Brand Find My iPhone Say No Location?

There is no definite way to brand no location constitute iPhone. But y'all tin can follow the below steps which are considered the most preferred ones:

1. Launch Settings on your iPhone.

2. Tap on the Apple ID > Observe My option, every bit shown below.

Tap on the Find My option

3. Then, tap on Find My iPhone to toggle off the choice.

tap on Find My iPhone to toggle the option off

Also Read: Fix iPhone Not Detected in Windows 10

How to Prepare Find My iPhone Online Not Sharing Location?

If your iPhone is not sharing a location online, the reason might exist that y'all may have turned off the location services. You tin turn on the location services by following the below steps to fix the find my iPhone no location found issue:

ane. Open the Settings app and tap on the Privacy option.

two. Then, tap on Location Services.

3. Disable the toggle for the Location Services option.

Turn off the toggle for the option Location Services | How to Make Find My iPhone Say No Location Found

Besides Read: How to Imitation Your Location on Life360 (iPhone & Android)

How Do You lot Turn on Hide My Location?

If you want to hibernate your location from others without knowing them, and then you can follow the below steps:

1. Open Settings on your iPhone.

ii. Tap on Privacy.

Tap on Privacy | no location found iPhone

three. And so, tap on Location Services and plough off the toggle for the option Location Services.


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We hope you have understood the steps to brand Detect My say no location found iPhone and were able to perform information technology successfully on your iPhone. You can drop your queries about this article and topic suggestions for future articles in the comments box below.


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