
Best Class In Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2 is arguably the virtually satisfying teamwork you can feel on a wave-based – zombie-annihilating FPS! The chief reason is the wealth of classes available in the game, known equally "Perks". As you would expect in a form-based game, your team formation will get a long fashion into how much you can achieve & how much you tin savor the game.

The community of KF2 is one the all-time FPS communities out at that place! Toxic people are rare to detect, and even though virtually of the actor base is dedicated (and they will take for granted you know as of this guide by heart), it'southward to anybody'due south best involvement to cooperate with the team, if y'all're going to brand it out alive!

Without further ado, let'south break down all ten classes/perks of Killing Floor ii, so you tin go more accepted to each one'due south priorities, gameplay & weapons.


Berserker Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Berserker Perk Overview, Killing Flooring two


  • Stalker
  • Siren
  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound


  • Alpha CLot
  • Slasher
  • Rioter
  • Gorefiend
  • Gorefast


  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawlers
  • East.D.A.R. Blaster
  • E.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper
  • Bloat
  • Husk

Berserker is the tank perk of Killing Floor 2, using melee and ranged decapitating weapons. He is provided with more damage resistance than other perks, so he tin can aggro and slay large groups of Zeds in close gainsay.

The priorities that a Berserker should have to revolve effectually the right positioning to foreclose large groups of Zeds and enraged large Zeds to corner your allies. Belongings doors and tight corridors tin can prevent these situations, as well every bit kiting zeds out of shut quarters.

Also keep in mind that when you achieve 15 level, you tin choose to get extra damage output, attack speed, and twoscore% reduced damage taken, afterwards blocking an attack. By using this ability yous can kill large Zeds fast, and trash even faster!

When you encounter more than one large Zeds, don't enrage them all at one time, equally information technology volition cause them to flee enraged, onto you or some marry that is much more than vulnerable in this kind of close combat. Try to kite large Zeds on your side and decapitate them one after the other.

Weapon Strategy

Katana, in my opinion, is the most efficient way to kill trash-zeds and an Eviscerator should do the task on whatsoever large Zed. Of course, a Pulverizer is more than efficient on Fleshpounds and Quarter Pounds, since they are more vulnerable in explosives, but nonetheless, just ii or three headshots with an Eviscerator is plenty for any large Zed. Also, Eviscerator helps you deal with raged Zeds, while being in a longer range than usual, plus the alternate fire of it, which is a spinning saw blade, tin can assistance you deal with Zeds in short range.

On Boss waves, I strongly advise Eviscerator and Katana. Go on kiting and shooting Boss with Eviscerator blades. Past doing this y'all help allies to exist steady somewhere safe and shoot the Dominate on a long-range, as well every bit keeping you lot safe from small Zeds that might come to assail you. Keep in mind that Berserkerstin't become grabbed by clots, and so don't focus on them too much, except your life'southward depending on killing them.

Suggested Build

  • Skirmisher:Move 20% faster and sprint 25% faster when using a perk melee weapon. You also regenerate 2 points of health every second
  • Butcher:Attack 20% faster and do 25% more damage with perk melee weapons
  • Parry:Parrying an attack with a perk melee weapon reduces incoming damage by 40% and increases both melee attack speed 5% and melee damage 35% for 10 seconds.
  • Massacre:Lite attacks with Berserker melee weapons practice xxx% more damage and are 5% faster.
  • ZED TIME – Spartan:During Zed time, you assail with perk weapons and motility in real-time.


Commando Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Commando Perk Overview, Killing Floor two


  • Alpha Clot
  • Slasher
  • Crawler
  • Aristocracy Crawler
  • Stalker
  • Gorefast
  • Gorefiend


  • E.D.A.R. Equalizer
  • E.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper
  • Bloat
  • Siren
  • Husk


  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound

Commandos are mid-ranged soldiers with assault rifles and strong grenades that clean all the mess that small Zeds brand during a bloodthirsty battle. While on a first wait anyone would say that he is pretty similar to SWAT, he has many unique abilities that make him much more unlike, fifty-fifty though both are trash-killing perks.

Commando has the ability to encounter a health bar over Zeds' heads, which helps him end off fatal wounded Zeds and meet Crawlers easier due to this wellness bar over their heads. Keep in mind that Zeds don's spawn with the health bar visible, they have to take even a slight corporeality of harm first.

Also, he can passively reveal Stalkers, and that's why Stalkers are his top-trash-priority. The all-time power that a Commando has, in my opinion, is that while he shoots headshots and kills Zeds during Zed Time, Zed Time can extend upwardly to vi seconds. This way you can help 25 level allies, to take advantage of this time bonus and use their Zed Fourth dimension abilities for a brief length.

The virtually important thing for a Commando is to misjudge his strength and try to have down big Zeds. Fleshpounds need a good amount of grenades and Scrakes need a couple rounds of armament. If the health bar shows that some Scrake or Fleshpound is fatal wounded, then become for it. Otherwise, you should proceed your ammo to go along trash away from camped Sharpshooters and Demolitionists.

Weapon Strategy

Mkb.42(H) Carbine Burglarize andSCAR-H Assail Burglarizeis the best weapon build to deal with any situation. I usually keep both weapons on single-fire style, mostly because extending the Zed Time isn't like shooting fish in a barrel when I use default total-motorcar mode. For the extent of Zed Time y'all need to kill zeds with one headshot so wait a while before executing the next one, and then it's easier to reach that with unmarried-burn down.

If information technology is possible, endeavour to use or swap toSCAR-H Assail Riflewhen the Zed Time comes. You lot can i-shot in the head the weakest Zeds with Mkb.42(H) Carbine Rifle, onlySCAR-H Assault Rifleneeds a couple of headshots for killing a bit stronger Zeds like Sirens or Bloats. If you were trying to kill Sirens or Bloats and extend Zed Time by using Mkb.42(H) Carbine Burglarize, it would non be successful, because of its weak penetration in comparison to SCAR-H Assault Rifle.

During the Boss waves, have intendance of the trash Zeds that spawn, and focus on extending Zed Time. There's no utilize to waste product ammunition on Boss. Focus on keeping y'all Sharpshooter and Demolitionist prophylactic to do the hard job.

Suggested Build

  • Tactical Reload: Increase reload speed with perk weapons.
  • Fallback:Increase damage with your 9mm pistol and knife 110%, and increase weapon switching speed l%.
  • Prepared:Conduct upward to xx% more ammo for each perk weapon.
  • Hollow Indicate Rounds:Increment damage of perk weapons 25% and reduce their recoil 50%.
  • ZED TIME – Tactician:During ZED Time, y'all reload perk weapons at full speed and switch perk weapons twice every bit fast.


Support Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Support Perk Overview, Killing Flooring 2


  • Gorefast
  • Gorefiend
  • Rioter
  • Siren
  • Husk


  • Blastoff Clot
  • Slasher
  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound
  • E.D.A.R. Equalizer
  • East.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper


  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawler
  • Stalker
  • Bloat

Supports are armed with high-penetration shotguns, which allows them to a line-shot big group of Zeds. They have increased weight and ammo capacity, and they are considered as a acme priority in team compositions, as he can provide ammunition to allies once per round.

Their power to weld doors faster and repair them makes them the leader of positioning in a squad, as he should be the one who decides which doors demand to be weld. Welding doors can lead either to a massive Zed killing either to a big squad massacre. Support should be really careful of the doors he is welding, equally he has to always secure that in that location are exits available. Don't weld doors without having a good knowledge of the map you're playing on.

Supports should measure their priorities due to situations. When the trash-Zeds overwhelm the place, information technology's a damn wrong pick to chase down and rage that Scrake. Improve focus getting Zeds lined up for multiple headshots, and continue the expanse clean from Rioters that enrage Zeds or that death-threat-spinning Gorefiend.

Go along focusing on holding Zeds back to enter your territory past fighting in forepart of doors and corridors. If a passage you are holding gets out of hand, just weld it quickly and prepare your explosives. Demolitionists can besides add their specialty on trapping the doors, and then they tin insta-explode when the door breaks downward.

Weapon Strategy

Support's should first consider buying a Double-barreled Boomstick for starters, as information technology can surely do the job on either large or small/medium Zeds. Therefore, you should focus on getting an AA-12 Motorcar Shotgun, and starting to applyDouble-barreled Boomstick, equally a secondary weapon, and get-go to feel more confident in fighting with large zeds with the auto-shotgun.

I always utilise the AA-12 Auto Shotgun on semi-auto burn to save as many bullets as I can, and mostly because I discover it more effective to aim properly. Every bit for the Double-barreled Boomstick, I but utilise unmarried shots, except situations as if a lined upwardly group of Zeds spawns, or if auto-shotgun is on limited/no ammo and a large Zed needs to get down.

On Boss waves, you should measure what the team would need. If you think you should take a more than supportive function you lot should stay with your weapons, and besides purchase a HZ12 Multi-Activeness, to go on the heal persistent. If you approximate that more damage is needed, I would propose RPG-vii. On both situations, you need to strongly focus on Boss, equally long as your squad has at to the lowest degree on trash-killer.

Suggested Build

  • Tactical Reload:Increase reload speed with perk weapons.
  • Salvo:Increase damage of perk weapons 30%.
  • Armor Piercing Shot:Greatly increase penetration with perk weapons.
  • Resupply Pack:Your teammates can get thirty% ammo and 20% armor restored by interacting with yous once per wave. You lot can carry upwardly to 20% more than ammo for perk weapons.
  • ZED TIME – Penetrator:During ZED Fourth dimension, your perk weapons penetrate through any targets they hit.

Field Medic

Field Medic Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Field Medic Perk Overview, Killing Flooring 2


  • Alpha Clot
  • Slasher
  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawler
  • Stalker


  • Gorefast
  • Gorefiend
  • Rioter
  • Bloat


  • Siren
  • Husk
  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound
  • Eastward.D.A.R. Equalizer
  • Eastward.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper

Field Medic keeps your team alive with healing darts, that come out of his mid-ranged weapons, and too by using AOE healing grenades. The medicine that keeps his allies alive, poisons Zeds, causing them to flee away for a while.

Depending on the build, he can be super resistant to harm, either heave your allies with increased movement speed, damage resistance and damage done to Zeds. The "damage-resistance" build is not suggested for a multiplayer game though, except if there'due south another healer effectually to focus on allies.

This perk should exist positioned in back lines, and then he can have a big field of view and be able to assistance when it is needed. His weapons are strong enough to kill pocket-size Zeds, and you tin can give a bit of your attention on trash-killing.

It'south strongly suggested not to endeavour and kill big Zeds by yourself. None of his weapons are strong plenty to deal with a Fleshpound or a Scrake. Focusing on healing the Berserker or theDemolitionist of the team. It is far more effective confronting the deadliest Zeds than trying to eliminate them with the firepower medic's weapon take.

Weapon Strategy

A med should prioritize to purchaseHMTech-501 Grenade Burglarize equally primary and aHMTech-301 Shotgun or a Hemogoblin as secondary weapon. The selection between HMTech-301 Shotgun and theHemogoblin depends clearly on your play-way.

HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle, is pretty similar to the classicHMTech-401 Set on Rifle, except that it does not fire healing darts merely instead, it launches a limited number of healing grenades. It is long ranged and has no alternate fire fashion.

HMTech-301 Shotgunis the perfect selection to deal with Gorefiendand other kinds of medium-power Zeds. Mostly effective on caput and legs, and every bit all of the med's weaponry, it has no alternate fire mode.

Hemogoblin is a medium harm, wearisome firing hitscan ballistic burglarize that debuffs enemies by applying impairment over time and unique haemorrhage incapacitation. It's useful for helping allies finish off enraged Scrakes or Fleshpounds, but every bit said, it does not inflict enough impairment to kill a Zed, without wasting more-than-needed ammo.

On Dominate waves, I suggest going for theHMTech-501 Grenade Burglarize and theHemogoblin. Focus mostly on healing and getting boss wounded, by using the Hemogoblin.

Suggested Build

  • Symbiotic Health:Increment full Health 25%. Healing teammates will heal you lot 10% of your full Wellness.
  • Adrenaline Shot:Shooting teammates with healing darts increases their move speed 10% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 30% bonus.
  • Focus Injection:Shooting teammates with healing darts increases the impairment they inflict 5% for 5 seconds. This tin can stack upward to a xx% bonus.
  • Coagulant Booster:Shooting teammates with healing darts increases their damage resistance x% for v seconds. This tin stack up to a 30% bonus.
  • ZED TIME  – Airborne Agent:You release a healing gas During ZED Fourth dimension, healing teammates shut by.


Demolitionist Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Demolitionist Perk Overview, Killing Flooring two


  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound
  • E.D.A.R. Blaster
  • Due east.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper


  • Alpha Jell
  • Slasher
  • Rioter
  • Gorefiend
  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawler
  • Gorefast

Armed with a diverseness of explosive devices, Demolitionist, can cook a big number of zeds, either a killing Fleshpounds and Scrakes, with just a rocket! He provides grenades to his allies, keeping them armed and set for any situation! Their welding gun tin can enable explosive traps to the doors, eliminating any Zed that might manage to go through the door! So team uo with the back up of the team so he can protect y'all in close combat, and door-trap Zeds together!

Depending on the situation, Demolitionists can focus either on trash-killing, either on killing larger Zeds. Any you determine to focus on, Demo'due south abilities can get his AOE impairment higher, and so you can effectively annihilate groups of Zeds, either increment your harm done in critical areas, so you can focus on Scrakes, Fleshpounds, etc.

The best positioning for him is by the side of the Field Medic, and his first priorities are plainly Fleshpounds and Quarter Pounds, equally they are very vulnerable to explosives, and one-(head)shot Scrakes! Avert Sirens equally they can destroy explosives, and Bloats, as they accept a while to explode.

On Boss waves, give all you've got on Boss and just! Demo's explosive damage is on the height-ranked in Killing Floor two, and it'southward a shame to get wasted on Clots, etc. Always proceed a safe altitude and get a good field of view.

Weapon Strategy

Weapon strategy for this perk is better to exist adaptable to the lacks of the squad. If your team lacks trash-killers, better get theM79 Grenade Launcheror theM32 Grenade Launcher, for ranged attacks to a group of Zeds incoming, and as well the M16 M203 Assail Rifle, and so yous can have a shorter range solution.

Proceed in heed though, that on tardily waves your explosive damage will be needed. Also, Demo is not originally a trash killer. When things kickoff to get tight, keep yourM79 Grenade Launcheras a secondary weapon, and grab yourself an RPG-7to get rid of larger Zeds. You can keep these weapons for Boss moving ridge as well.

Suggested Congenital

  • Bombardier:Increase damage of explosive perk weapons by 25%.
  • High Impact Rounds:Increase direct striking damage with explosive weapons by 25%.
  • Fragmentation Rounds:  Increment area of effect of explosive perk weapons by 50%, but decrease impairment by thirty%.
  • Concussive Rounds:Increase reaction, stun, stumble, and knockdown power of perk weapons by fifty%.
  • ZED TIME – Destroyer of Worlds:During ZED Time, your explosives dish out massive radiations impairment, poisoning ZEDs, and explosive rounds volition explode at any range


Firebug Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Firebug Perk Overview, Killing Floor two


  • Blastoff Clot
  • Slasher
  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawler
  • Stalker
  • Gorefast
  • Gorefiend
  • Rioter


  • Bloat
  • Siren
  • E.D.A.R. Blaster
  • E.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper


  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound
  • Husk


  • Siren
  • Husk
  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound
  • Rioter
  • E.D.A.R. Blaster
  • E.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper


  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawler
  • Gorefiend
  • Gorefast
  • Bloat


  • Blastoff Clot
  • Slasher
  • Stalker

Firebugs are the number one option on small maps, where you need a very fast and effective trash-killer. All his weapons and his grenades are spitting fire, burning to the os small and vulnerable zeds that attack in big groups, threatening camped teammates. Recently, the perk got some new weapons that are very effective against large Zeds also, making him a life savior of all times and situations.

Firebug'southward position is in the front line, helping the Berserker proceed dorsum all the big groups of Zeds. Microwave Gun, which is a perk weapon, also helps eliminate Due east.D.A.Rs and any other specimen with metal on its body, like Husks, Fleshpounds, etc., much easier and faster than any other weapon. If you are equipped with anything else than a Microwave Gun, don't try to deal with large Zeds, as y'all are just going to rage them.

Weapon Strategy

Firebug used to be but trash-killer, but his knew weapons came to restore his bad reputation on "just raging" large Zeds. Simply all the same, he is far more effective in burning downwardly small Zeds. And then prioritize weapons wisely, past pickingDual SpitfiresorFlamethrowerfor the starters. Aiming the floor is always more than effective, and it doesn't bullheaded your allies.

When things starts to get nasty, buy the powerful Microwave Gun, to deal with metal-armored Zeds, either large or small. Use the alt-fire on close range and focus large Zeds with it. Yous tin can use the same weaponry for the boss waves. Again, focus on trash-killing more than on Dominate.

Suggested Congenital

  • Bring the Rut:Increase damage with fire weapons 35%.
  • Ground Fire:Ground fires practice massively increased harm and reduce ZED movement speed.
  • ZED Shrapnel:ZEDs you kill with burn accept a 20% chance to explode, damaging and knocking down nearby ZEDs.
  • Heat Wave:ZED struck at point-blank range with fire will stumble back.
  • ZED Time – Pyromaniac:During ZED Time, you lot assault with perk weapons in close to real-time and never run out of ammo.


Gunslinger Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Gunslinger Perk Overview, Killing Flooring 2


  • Siren
  • Husk
  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound


  • Alpha CLot
  • Bloat
  • Slasher
  • Rioter
  • Due east.D.A.R. Equalizer
  • Due east.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper
  • Gorefiend
  • Gorefast


  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawlers
  • Stalker

A Gunslinger can be considered equally a close-range Sharpshooter, on a college fire rate. He is the kiting material of the squad, lining up the Zeds, head-shooting them one after the other, cleaning the battleground dorm the almost unsafe Zeds. He has a adept amount of ammunition, except the 9mm, which recently got nerfed. Better utilise your ammo wisely, every bit if you get yourself to have fun with Clots and Slashers, you won't have enough armament to deal with something more mortiferous and enraged that might get y'all off guard.

Gunslinger is the fastest perk, which makes him the no.1 enemy of an enraged Scrake, Fleshpound, or even Bosses. His weapon shots are near effective when you lot aim for the head, otherwise, y'all volition exist left with no ammo before the wave comes to an end. His grenades stun Zeds for a cursory time, giving you the space to reload or to escape from a harsh state of affairs, and start to line 'em up again.

He is mostly in the frontlines, lining upward in the zeds, and then he can achieve multiple headshots, and helping Demolitionists and Sharpshooters to have a clear view of their shots. Even if he is constructive for well-nigh all Zeds, and every bit we said, his ammunition capacity is pretty high, a Gunslinger must go on his bullets for harsh situations. Don't bother with Crawlers, no affair how good of an aimer you are!

Weapon Strategy

Since1858 Revolver, the starting weapon of Gunslinger, recently got buffed, and they're much more than capable of holding you up for the get-go rounds. The first selection should be the Dual M1911 Pistols. These handguns accept pretty depression recoil and a high enough fire charge per unit, to aid you deal with the trash that overwhelms the identify on fresh starts.

Side by side selection should exist theDual .fifty Desert Eagles, that I usually employ on medium-ability Zeds, like Gorefiends, Rioters or Husks. They are too capable of taking downward Scrakes or Fleshpounds, simply this is a job better washed byDual .500 Magnums.

Since your Dosh volition exist enough to equip yourself with finer weaponry, it's time to get the all-time favorite and previously mentioned Dual .500 Magnums. Their impairment output is non something that a large Zed will be able to bargain with. Always remember to aim for every Zed's weak spot.

For Dominate moving ridge, equip yourself with but an HMTech-101 Pistol, to give a helping hand if needed. Also, fifty-fifty if I will advise Rack Em Upward power in the following build strategy, i adopt to use Bone Breaker for Boss, every bit if Patriarch comes out, headshots deceit come easy and frequent.

Suggested Build

  • Quick Draw:Reduce recoil penalty for shooting from the hip, increment movement speed 5%, and switch perk weapons l% faster.
  • Rack 'em Up:Consecutive headshots with perk weapons increases harm ten%, to a maximum of l%.
  • Speedloader:Increase reload speed with perk weapons.
  • Skullcraker:Headshots with perk weapons slow ZEDs xxx%.
  • ZED Time – Cyclone of Lead:During ZED Fourth dimension, your perk weapons can't run out of ammo.



  • Husk
  • Scrake
  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound


  • Bloat
  • Siren
  • Rioter
  • Gorefiend
  • Gorefast


  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawlers
  • Alpha Clot
  • Slasher
  • Stalker

Sharpshooter is the sniper-class in Killing Floor 2, making Husks explode and Scrakes running their terminal steps around decapitated, with just i shot! Sharpshooter'due south weapons have massive penetration and no large Zed can resist a good headshot, but withal, information technology'southward all about positioning that gives him the safe infinite that a sniper needs.

Sharpshooter should always stay away from the Zed'due south spawn points, and army camp in long altitude. He shouldn't be bothered past the trash-Zeds, and the main targets are large Zeds and Husks. They are equipped with freezing grenades, that immobilizes Zeds for a cursory time, giving you the chance to position well and to aim for the head by long distance. Freezing grenades can also relieve Sharpshooters from whatsoever mass-trash-attack, and give them the chance to escape.

Sharpshooter'southward fourth dimension to shine is definitely on Dominate waves, as the trash-spawning on Boss waves is far decreased than the regular waves, and he tin can be far more independent and distant from the team that fights in closer combat.

Weapon Strategy

Personally, I can survive the first rounds with no struggle with theWinchester 1894, which is the starting weapon of Sharpshooter. It's not suitable for dealing with large Zeds, but it can go you through the necessary med-ability Zed slaying that is needed in the first waves. If you can go really authentic with your shots, try to be inexpensive on ammo as well. As well, 9mm Pistolcan help you lot with Clots, Slayers, etc.

Adjacent, I focus on buying the M14 EBR, every bit its high fire rate helps me a lot to deal on harsh situations as a raging Scrake or Fleshpound.It is also the fundamental for striking the backs of Husks from distance, causing them to explode before they come besides close to you lot or your allies.

Last but non to the lowest degree, I choose to buy FN FAL ACOG, mostly because information technology tin can exist my emergency weapon for dealing with Zeds as Gorefiends, etc. if they manage to come up close. I usually use it on unmarried-burn mode, equally it helps me to keep runway ofw headshots.

At present for the Boss, for me, it gets kind of complicated, as information technology would be perfect if you knew what Dominate awaits, so you tin fix yourself properly. But evidently yous don't, and that'due south kind of a gamble here. I usually choose to motion on to Rail Gun that exclusively use on any Boss' weak spot, a.500 Magnum Revolver for dealing with all the other Zed that spawn during the Dominate wave, and anHMTech-101 Pistol, because if yous can comport it, you got to have it, no thing the perk.

Suggested Build

  • Sniper: Increase damage 25% while stationary and using perk weapons.
  • Ballistic Shock: Increase the stun power of perk weapons 100%.
  • Rack 'em Up: Each consecutive headshot with a perk weapon increases harm 10%, upwardly to a maximum of 50%.
  • Always Prepared: Carry up to 25% more than ammo for perk weapons and grenades.
  • ZED Fourth dimension – Assassin: Whatever headshots with perk weapons have a 5% chance to trigger ZED Time. During ZED Time, your headshots with perk weapons will stun whatsoever ZED.


Survivalist Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

Survivalist Perk Overview, Killing Flooring ii

Survivalist is the perk that tin adapt like more powerful support, either equally an extra damage distributor, or maybe both! As a filler perk, he can use all weaponry equally finer, and emphasize either on impairment buffs like enhanced AOE explosives and increased incapacitation power, or emphasizing on beingness able to heal allies past having more consequent healing darts and healing grenades, but all the same being a pretty effective trash-killer.

Giving a bit of a remainder to the abilities of this perk, in my example of game mode, doesn't suit me. I like either playing more supportive or more than aggressively. If I try to remainder between those two, I end up realizing that I need more damage or more than heal for my allies and myself. I've seen it work, but certainly, it doesn't conform me.

Experience gratis to arrange your abilities by analyzing the situation you are in every wave, on the first rounds, if at that place is a Field Medic, healing grenades might not be that useful, but getting rid off a group of Crawlers and other trash-Zeds with merely a Molotov is more of a something!

Weapon Strategy

I don't actually accept a standard weapon strategy that I apply for Survivalist, as I like to change weapons as much every bit I tin. But the simply thing that information technology should be taken for granted, is to suit your weapons to the abilities that you've chosen.

If you lot go for the " Tactical Reload", which gives you reload speed onCommando, Gunslinger and SWAT weapons, you lot probably aiming for trash killing. In this example, I would focus on Commando and Gunslinger weapons. The first choice though, is a SWAT weapon, theMac x, every bit information technology suits me perfectly for start-to-mid waves trash-killing. So I by and large aim for HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle, because if I choose trash-killing method, I will near likely apply healing weapons and become for the healing abilities of the perk, to enhance the supportive office I've called.  For the "tough-gun" I choose to buy .500 Magnum Revolver, as its harm can be enough to save me if I accidentally go into some trouble with aScrakeor aFleshpound.

If there are already two Field Medics, or y'all approximate that only one is plenty, I would probably propose a SCAR-H Attack Burglarize and theMkb.42(H) Carbine Rifle, in the exact same way I utilize them for Commando. I always like to go on the healing grenades upwardly in whatsoever occasion. Nil can become wrong past having a couple of extra healing grenades. From the Gunslingercollection of weapons, I take to choose the.50 Desert Hawkeye, because I don't want to trade healing grenades for chapters and Molotovs, so I sacrifice .500 Magnum Revolverfor the.fifty Desert Hawkeye, even though I find it slightly different to comply with the damage output departure these ii weapons have.

The other case is ongoing for the " Heavy Weapons Training", that gives you increased reload speed with Demolitionist, Sharpshooter and Support weapons, which ways you chose to emphasize on damage to large Zeds. In this case I start aim for AA-12 Machine Shotgun, as information technology never fails and ever keeps the fight going. I ever utilize it on semi-automobile mode, and my goals are from med-powered Zeds to Scrakes and Eastward.D.A.Rs.

As soon as it is possible, I will purchase the RPG-7, mostly for Fleshpounds and Quarter Pounds. You lot can likewise one-shot a Scrake during Zed-Time with the"Lockdown"ability, besides every bit insta-kill large groups of minor Zeds. Also experience free to utilize Survivalist'due south pocketknife, theGore Shiv, as it'due south very effective against trash that might approach y'all unexpectedly, especially if y'all use the "Melee Adept"power.

Suggested Build

For Supportive Role

  • Tactical Reload:Increase reload speed with Commando, Gunslinger and SWAT weapons.
  • Medic Preparation:Increase the authorisation of all your healing 20% and decrease the cooldown of your syringe and healing darts 25%
  • Ammo Vest:Behave up to 15% more ammo for all weapons and your grenade becomes a healing grenade.
  • Spontaneous Zed-plosion:Zeds you impale have a 20% adventure to explode, dissentious and knocking down nearby Zeds.
  • ZED Fourth dimension – Madman:During Zed time, all your weapons shoot 3x faster.

For Damage Role

  • Heavy Weapons Preparation:Increment reload speed with Demolitionist, Sharpshooter and Support weapons.
  • Melee Skillful:Increase melee set on speed 15%, inflict 10% more damage, and motion 25% faster when using whatever melee weapon.
  • Weapon Harness:Increase carrying chapters by 5 and your grenade becomes a Molotov cocktail.
  • Make Things go Boom: Increase area of consequence of all Explosives 25%.
  • ZED Time – Lockdown:During Zed fourth dimension, the power of all incapacitation methods are increased 200% for all weapons.


SWAT Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2

SWAT Perk Overview, Killing Floor 2


  • Alpha Clot
  • Slasher
  • Crawler
  • Elite Crawler


  • Stalker
  • Rioter
  • Scrake
  • Gorefiend
  • Gorefast


  • Fleshpound
  • Quarter Pound
  • E.D.A.R. Blaster
  • E.D.A.R. Bomber
  • E.D.A.R. Trapper
  • Bloat
  • Husk

Swat has low recoil and rapid-burn, sub-machine guns and grenades that stun Zeds, making him 1 of the virtually effective trash-killers, along with Firebug and Commando. His weapons are close-gainsay designed, so he can simply erase groups of Crawlers or Clots, and he tin be prophylactic by extra armor, or movement speed, depending on the player option among the abilities.

Go on in mind that even if SWAT is very constructive with a grenade-headshot combo against a Scrake, he needs a noticeable amount of armament to deal with him. Apply your grenades to save allies and cease off when needed, and keep focusing on the trash-killing. Any other manner you try to utilize him, its less effective, at least team-wise.

In Boss waves, he can finer focus on Dominate, and utilize the grenades to stun the groups of Zeds that spawn while the Boss moving ridge is on.

Weapon Strategy

Personally, I can survive easily the commencement rounds with the starting weapon, theMP7 SMG. It is effective plenty for the starting round'south necessary trash-killing. I also utilize the"Close Combat Training", to help me with the early on-trash-killing, which provides me with Double 9mm Pistolsat the start of the fame, and also gives me 110% extra damage onDouble 9mm Pistolsand Tactical Knife, which is the perk knife of SWAT.

Around middle-game, I choose to buyHeckler & Koch UMP, which is similar the "big blood brother" of the MP5RAS SMG. If yous tin can stand to live onMP7 SMG for the commencement round, be patient and buyHeckler & Koch UMP, don't waste material money onMP5RAS SMG, every bit it is far less effective. The just thing that might annoy one is the recoil, which can exist significantly reduced by using semi-car manner.

Of course, mainly I go for the all time favorite, Kriss SMG. It is fitted with reflex sight, its front end fe sight is folded but it completely lacks rear sight. It is highly effective on full-auto mode, to fast-swipe large group of small Zeds, and even a Scrake if it'due south required. I sometimes use it on unmarried-fire besides, if i can have my fourth dimension to focus on headshots from distance.

Suggested Build

  • Heavy Armor Training:While you have body armor, yous only take Wellness damage from sonic attacks and clots can't grab you. You lot begin each game with 50% Armor.
  • Close Combat Training:Increase impairment with your 9mm pistol and knife 110%. You begin each game with dual 9mm pistols.
  • Ammo Vest:Deport up to 30% more ammo for each perk weapon.
  • Assault Armor:Maximum Armor increases by l%. You begin each game with l% Armor, which stacks with Armor gained from Heavy Armor Grooming.
  • ZED TIME – Rapid Attack:During ZED Time, when using perk weapons you have unlimited ammo, shoot in near real-time, and increase stumble power by 100%.


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